Frequently asked questions

For travel info, nearby hotels or info about the food and metal market, find all the info on the dedicated pages. 

Which payment methods are available at the festival?

All drink vouchers and Blast from the Past merch can be bought using Maestro (Bancontact), Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay and Payconiq. Do you prefer to pay cash for your Blast from the Past stuff? No problem. But cashless is definitely the safest way-to-go. 

Important note: we can’t guarantee the same payment methods for external sellers on the Metal Market.

Will there be a maximum capacity for Blast from the Past 2023?

The venue itself, Kubox Kuurne, is large enough to host a maximum of 1000 people.

Do children need to pay the full entrance fee?

Yes, every festival visitor, regardless of age needs to be in possession of a festival ticket. 

Can I sell CD's, DVD's, vinyl, merch and accessories on the festival?

If you’re interested in applying to trade at the Festival, mail us here